Monday, February 4, 2019

Must Watch Movies: Gone Girl (2014) - David Fincher - Ben Affleck - Rosamund Pike - Gillian Flynn

IMDb Score8,1/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Psychological
Runtime: 145 minutes
Rating: R
Directed ByDavid Fincher
Written ByGillian Flynn
Stars: Ben AffleckRosamund PikeNeil Patrick Harris
Language: English

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name and adapted for the big screen by the novel’s author, Gillian Flynn, "Gone Girl" stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike as Nick and Amy Dunne, a fantastic-looking couple who met and fell for each other in New York City. Nick, as Amy writes in her diaries, was the man of her dreams. Both were writers, in fact, until life dealt them a few hard blows.

Now they’re in Nick’s hometown of North Carthage, Missouri, where he owns a downtown bar tended by his twin sister, Margo (scene-stealer Carrie Coon). Nick’s nightmare begins when he gets a phone call and races home from the bar, only to find the cat wandering outside and his wife gone. He calls the cops and we have the pleasure of meeting Det. Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickens) and Officer Jim Gilpin (Patrick Fugit). Boney, armed with a smart pantsuit and cup of coffee, has some questions for Nick..

In the meantime, we’re treated to flashbacks to various parts of Nick and Amy’s relationship, accompanied by Amy’s diaries entries. At first, they paint a picture of a couple very much in love, but the relationship devolves, suggesting, along with many other clues, that Nick might have been behind Amy’s disappearance. Is she dead? Where’s her body? Did he kill her? Why isn’t he more distraught? Once the media gets hold of the story, there’s a tidal wave of negative public opinion against Nick.

Gone Girl is one of the best thrillers in visual style as well as in storytelling. If you’re married, Gone Girl may well make you look at your partner in a very different way…

The movie shows you that women can be as crazy and violent as men can. This is actually a good visualization of a man's nightmare 😊. The scenes in the movie often take you aback and gives a whole new perspective about the human psychology and mind games.

A must watch for everyone with psychological and intellectual curiosities.

Have you seen the movie? Or read the book? What did you think?

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2 Comments to "Must Watch Movies: Gone Girl (2014) - David Fincher - Ben Affleck - Rosamund Pike - Gillian Flynn"

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