Thursday, December 29, 2016

How A1/A2 Milk Conspiracy relates to Jallikattu

Here you come, the reason of bringing-up the Jallikattu bulls are not just for the sport, but mainly for servicing the cows.

During Jallikattu, all the healthy and strong bulls are brought and exhibited. Small farmers who cannot afford bulls, take a note of the top agile bulls and seek them for servicing their cows.

The intricate connect between these events and Tamilnadu farming process can be seen from the chronological timeline of these events; Jallikattu happen first (where they exhibit the bulls), then the shandies’ (markets where they trade/seek the bulls) and then the main farming season starts.

Unlike the western bull, one bull which was raised for Jallikattu can service up to 40 cows., which were a big problem for the western semen selling companies. If they are to sell semen the Bulls should die or become redundant.

First they tried to make the bulls “redundant”, like the introduction of tractors. I am not against mechanization. But the machines should only make the work of men and animals (in this case) easier. Not make them redundant. The tractors made half the bulls unemployed. Even men don’t find a place in their house if they are unemployed. So there was no place for bulls too :)
But, still some people were caring for their long tradition of having stud bulls So the western milk & semen companies decided to kill all the native breed bulls!!!! , using the animal activist groups for campaigning and passed the “Cow slaughter law”.

Have you ever read the rules of Cow Slaughter Law. Read the judgement here.  In summary,
  • Any Bull that is incapable of reproducing and any cow that is incapable of producing milk can be killed.
  • Any bull that is not verified by the authorities or in other terms “The Organisation permits this Bull to reproduce on whatever grounds” should not be allowed to reproduce. Else the Organisation has the right to cut off the Bull’s balls.
Basically the law says “If they are not useful to human, kill them”; satisfying the lobbying of western milk & semen companies. Don’t you see Coca-Cola has already started selling “Milk” in India!

Now Jallikattu is the only reason which makes a common farmer who is not well-educated, who’s not aware of A1/A2 milk, who is still unaware of the business politics behind the so called “milk revolution” – to keep his bull alive!!

So please don’t scribble against Jallikattu, without understanding any history or reasoning behind it. If you really care for animals, please protect the native breeds which are in the edge of extinction!. I support #savejallikattu
#banjallikattu #milkrevolution #peta  #lobby  #tamilnadu

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1 Comment to "How A1/A2 Milk Conspiracy relates to Jallikattu"

Keerthu Chandhran, said...

More information: