Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Paradise Beach - Truly a Paradise in Pondicherry

After lunch & nap at hotel, we started to Paradise Beach at around 3PM. It is around 8km from the Pondicherry town on the Pondy-Cuddalore Highway , is located at the place where River Chunnambar  meets the Bay of Bengal, which makes the Paradise beach as a typical Island. We took an auto rickshaw and reached the boat house in 20-30 minutes.

We had 2 options of boats to select with – one a superfast water jets and the other one is normal ferry. I am not a superfast lover and moreover our kid was with us, so we went on with the normal ferry. The boat journey was roughly around 20 minutes on the backwaters to reach the Paradise beach. The low tide back waters with greeny coconut and palm trees on the banks, was such a scenic beauty and treat to the eyes.
Wow!!! We are at the Paradise beach, welcomed by a lovely long shore fringed with Coconut trees and natural huts, shadowing pristine blue sky and sparkling sea waves at the sun shine….what a nice and clean beach (you may see a little littering here and there, but still I would call it as the “cleanest”, by Indian standards :P ) The sand itself was so white and fine; each grain of it can be seen through the crystal clear water of the sea.

Here, the sea is not so deep or rough, it was very safe to play – even for my 3 year old kid. We spent so much time splashing water around the waves and racing on the shore. Sat under the huts on the shore and relaxed for some time, while enjoying the sea along with the snacks that we’d brought :)

They said 2 hours is the max.time one could stay at the beach, but it was an odd-day, there’s not much crowd over there. We’re enjoying the waters till the security guards whistle for the last return boat of the day, at around 6PM. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, felt so refreshed. Will never miss the paradise beach, whenever I come to Pondicherry again.

Paradise Beach is truly a paradise, it’s the best of our Pondicherry trip !!!

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