Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy Independence Day India

Let's touch our hearts and say: Have we ever bothered to see Independence Day speeches? Even if we have, have we ever seen fully? Neither me . But just happened to watch/hear the speech of our PM today.

I never heard a such a speech so clear and direct from the heart, from any of the previous Prime ministers, in my life time at least. No hatred against Pakistan or China, which will bring nothing but misery to the people and the country.

What a confidence. I admire his confidence on his security, as well on the people of India, seeing a PM addressing the public gathering without any special bullet proof enclosure, for the first time.

Aspiration for a Great Nation reflects in the speech; and in fact, spread seeds in everyone’s heart. Longing to see the government in action.

Happy Independence day to all my fellow Indians on its 68th year celebration. I wish a new vibrant and progressive India to emerge without any religion or region based hatred.

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3 Comments to "Happy Independence Day India"

Anonymous said...

You seem to be a modi fan. Its someone else prepare the script and he's just delivering it here. Don't get cheated.

Unknown said...

Nice post dear. Now celebrate happy independence day india with monginis.

happy independence day 2018 images said...

Hey nice