The park is bordered by Lake James, and there are plenty of recreational stuff including fishing and ice fishing, swimming, boating, camping, horseback riding, cross country skiing, hiking, and much more.
As usual we’re late per our schedule ;-) we reached the state park at around 1PM in the after-noon. The soon as we reach the park, we drove towards the beach. This time, we’re all set for swimming and just jumped into the water.
The water in the lake seems very clean. I’ve swimmed in lakes where I came out smelling like fish ;-). Not so here, the water was very refreshing. Swimming, Playing and the fun extended till the evening.
After an entertaining swim session, we just mingled with a local team and experienced the fun of Beach Volley ball. Though we lost to them in both games we played, it was fun and really amusing.
Lengthy drive, Swimming, Water gaming, Volley ball…..yeah… This time, we really got tired of fun. And it was time to get back to home:-(.
We very much enjoyed the time in the park. Beautiful country!!!
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